What is ‘R-S’ Nicotine?
Revolution of Vaping, ‘R-S’ Nicotine!

‘R-S’ nicotine is a chemical substance made in the way of a molecular fusion of C (carbon), H (hydrogen) and N (nitrogen) by Swiss scientists, Mr. Ame Pictet, A and Mr. Rotschy, A in 1904. Since ‘R-S’ nicotine is made while only pure C (carbon), H (hydrogen) and N (nitrogen) are fused, it is made of 99.9% pure nicotine from which any TSNAs (Tobacco-specific Nitrosamines) are not detected.
Since ‘R-S’ nicotine has been used for treating and taking R&Ds on brain diseases and neurological ones, such as, depression, Parkinson’s disease, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) symptom and Alzheimer’s disease, etc. from 1940s, it can be considered that the safety of that nicotine has been verified.
It can be said that it was a revolution in the e-cigarette industry to graft ‘R-S’ nicotine on vaping.

Then, why did the e-cigarette industry use tobacco-derived nicotine which is not free from carcinogens without having used ‘R-S’ nicotine from the beginning? The reason was because the production cost of ‘R-S’ nicotine was very high due to the highly complex and difficult production process. The price before the patented method for producing ‘R-S’ nicotine was completed had been around 1.1 million won per gram whilst that of tobacco plant-derived nicotine had been around 150won per gram. (Refer to the photo of the price table)
NextEra Co., Inc. developed ‘PharmaNic’ (a kind of ‘R-S’ nicotine) by commissioning the development of a mass production method to “Next Generation Labs” and “University of California, Irvine” in order to apply carcinogens-free ‘R-S’ nicotine to e-cigarettes since 2013.
Since a mass production of ‘PharmaNic’ (‘R-S’ nicotine) became possible owing to the newly developed patented method in such a way, a new price became lowered at a level of around 1/150 of the previous one, but the price is still high 40times as high as that of the tobacco plant-derived nicotine. However, all kinds of tobacco-related taxes are imposed on general cigarettes (including tobacco plant-derived nicotine), but any taxes are not imposed on the products made of by using ‘PharmaNic’ (‘R-S’ nicotine).
All kinds of tobacco-related taxes takes a substantial part of the price of a general cigarette brand (including tobacco-derived nicotine), but that of a ‘PharmaNic’ product is composed of only the cost of each raw material necessary for making a good quality of product. Therefore, a ‘PharmaNic’ product can be provided to consumers in the best quality at a reasonable price.
NextEra Co., Inc. has been officially acknowledged in the aspects of its technical skills and safety by having registered the patent for a mass production of ‘R-S’ nicotine and a new chemical substance and having completed a repeated dose inhalation toxicity study. If you have used an e-cigarette for a purpose of gaining only an awakening effect from nicotine while getting rid of any harmfulness of a tobacco product since you cannot avoid the desire for smoking even though your health is worried, it can be said that it is a revolution that you can enjoy vaping at a different level with ‘PharmaNic’ without any carcinogens from now on.

Patented Manufacturing Method of ‘R-S’ nicotine

The existing ‘R-S’ nicotine manufacturing method was to synthesize ‘R’ nicotine with ‘S’ one by locating them face to face after treating ‘R’ nicotine optically, but it caused the result that a huge amount of cost should be paid and the physical characteristics of ‘S’ nicotine are halved. For example, generally ‘S’ nicotine has outstanding awakening effect and addictiveness, but ‘R’ nicotine has very low level of them, comparatively.
The new patented manufacturing method of ‘PharmaNic’ (‘R-S’ nicotine) is done by gradually mixing in 4 steps in total with the raw material, so called, ‘Nicotinate Ester’ to produce ‘Nornicotine’ finally via some more processes, such as, a special process and Methylating, etc. Since it is used to manufacture ‘R-S’ nicotine finally by making a specific substance changed gradually instead of the existing method in which ‘R’ nicotine and ‘S’ one which have different characteristics were manufactured separately and then they were mixed with each other, it exerts some physical and biochemical properties different from those of the existing ‘R-S’ nicotine
When the newly patented manufacturing method of ‘PharmaNic’ that is different from the existing manufacturing method of ‘R-S’ nicotine is used, ‘R’ nicotine and ‘S’ nicotine have the same levels of awakening effect, but, as a strength, ‘S’ nicotine maintains its addictiveness, but ‘R’ nicotine doesn’t. That is, ‘R-S’ nicotine which is manufactured in the up-to-date patented method has the same awakening effect as tobacco-derived nicotine, but its addictiveness is only 50% level of that of tobacco-derived nicotine.
The up-to-date manufacturing method allows ‘R-S’ nicotine to be mass-produced. On the other hand, ‘R-S’ nicotine is also patented for being used for the purposes of vaping, anti-smoking therapy or diversion, etc
* UCI (University of California Irvine): 3 scientists, that is, 2 scientists in the chemistry area (Mr. Frank Sherwood Rowland and Mr. Irwin Rose) and 1 physicist (Mr. Frederick Reines) were awarded Nobel prizes and it is a prestigious university which is positioned in the 7th place of the ranking of the public universities of the USA.
* NGL (Next Generation Labs): This is a company having a research team consisting of many chemical experts including Dr. Michael Arnold who owns many patents, such as, “Oral Hygiene Composition and Apparatus and Method” and “Teeth Whitening Composition and Method”, etc. and having the up-to-date R&D facilities.